Kelsey Bell
Freelance Photographer

Kelsey Bell is a freelance photographer and digital communications specialist.
With degrees in international politics and advertising/public relations, Kelsey aspires to use her photography and digital communications skills to bring attention to pressing issues around the world. For example, immigration is a contentious issue within the United States today. However, many American citizens do not understand the journey candidates must take before they can become citizens of the United States. Some of Kelsey's work has approached the immigration debate by capturing the process immigrants have to go through to become citizens.
Another large focus of Kelsey's is the environment. Much of her work has captured the natural beauty of landscapes and wildlife in the United States to show American citizens what is at risk if the country does not prioritize the environment.
In addition to these areas of focus, Kelsey has also used her photography skills to capture life-defining moments like graduations, wedding proposals, and newborn photo shoots.